Symptoms of long COVIDThe most common symptoms of long COVID are:• extreme tiredness (fatigue)• feeling short of breath• problems with your memory and concentration ("brain fog")• heart palpitations• dizziness• joint pain and muscle achesHowever, there are lots of symptoms you can have after a COVID-19infection, including:• loss of smell• chest pain or tightness• difficulty sleeping (insomnia)• pins and needles• depression and anxiety• tinnitus, earaches• feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite• cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste• rashes•• you've had symptoms of COVID-19 for 4 weeks or more and areworriedWhat happens at your GP appointmentIf you see a GP about ongoing COVID-19 symptoms, they may suggesttests to find out more about your symptoms and rule out other conditionsthat could cause them.These tests might include:• blood tests• checking your blood pressure and heart rate• a chest X-ray• measuring your oxygen levelsThe GP will talk to you about the care and support you might need.You may be given advice about how to manage and monitor your symptomsat home.Getting a referral to a long COVID serviceIf the symptoms are having an impact on your life, you may be referred to anNHS long COVID service for children, young people or adults.Long COVID services can offer:• further tests to help diagnose or monitor your symptoms• assessments for your physical and mental health• treatment for or help managing long COVID symptoms• referral to post-COVID rehabilitation for further support, if neededHow long it takes to recover fromCOVID-19How long it takes to recover from COVID-19 is different for everybody.Some symptoms can improve quickly and others last longer.The chances of having long-term symptoms does not seem to be linked tohow ill you are when you first get COVID-19.People who had mild symptoms at first can still have long-term problems.How to help symptoms of long COVIDyourselfA lot is still being learned about long COVID. But there are things you cando to help with the symptoms.Tiredness and fatigueIf long COVID is causing tiredness or fatigue, there may be things you cando to help, such as avoiding drinking too much alcohol and sticking to thesame sleep times every day.Keeping a diary of your day, how you slept, and your tiredness and fatiguesymptoms may help you to understand if anything is making it worse. Thesethings are sometimes called triggers.Read more about tiredness and fatigue, including things you can do to help.Eating a balanced dietIt’s important to eat well if you have long COVID because this helps you getbetter and stronger quicker.Read more about eating a balanced diet.ExerciseThe amount of exercise you can do will depend on how you are feeling.It's a good idea to speak to a GP for advice before starting a new exerciseprogramme if your symptoms are severe or you have not exercised in awhile.It can help to start small and listen to your body. For example:• stand up every hour• try some breathing exercises• move your joints• set realistic exercise targets• do not do too much, and stop if you feel unwell• drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration (your pee should be lightyellow or clear)Try not to stay in bed or sit for too long. Get up regularly and go for shortwalks if you can. If this is something you are struggling with, speak to yourGP or long COVID clinic.Depression, anxiety and mental healthIf you have mental health symptoms, such as anxiety or depression,contactyour GP.BreathlessnessLong COVID can cause breathlessness and a change in your usualbreathing pattern. Breathing exercises can help to get your normal breathingpattern back.This can include:• breathing in through your nose gently and at a steady rate• trying to avoid shallow breathing and breathe in gradually and moredeeplyYou may need to see a physiotherapist for help with breathlessness. Thismay be available through a long COVID service.Difficulty concentrating (brain fog)Some people with long COVID have difficulty concentrating, managing lotsof information at once, or remembering things. This is sometimes calledbrain fog.You should discuss this symptom with your GP if it is a constant or severeproblem or getting worse.Heart palpitations or dizzinessYour heartbeat may feel different to normal when you’re recovering from anillness, but this should settle as you recover.To help with palpitations or dizziness, you can:• move slowly when you’re sitting or standing• do some gentle activity – you may find it easier to exercise in a lyingpositionIf you’re worried about heart palpitations or dizziness,speak to a GP or NHS 111.